Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bear Lake

This last weekend Wade and I went to Bear Lake to our Friends cabin. We had an awesome (Thank you Pat and Anna-Lisa) Here are some pictures from our trip.

Here is Pat and Anna, Lisa and Dustin and Wade and I in our igloo . It took us 3.5 hours but it was awesome and huge! all 6 of use fit comfortably inside on our snow bench.
Here is us building it

Here is us building it and all of us before we left it. Sad! We had a hard time leaving it. We all wanted to sleep in it that night but we didn't come prepared.

Pink Hair

So These pictures are from a while ago but I thought I would share anyways. So when Wade and I went to Cali for Christmas we also went to my sisters place in Mount Shasta. While we were there I decided I would let my sisters hair dresser do something fun to my hair because Janee swears by this woman. So we get there and we meet Betty. She is very nice and had worked on Rodeo Dr. and wore too tight jeans from which her bum was sticking out. I was warned that she was a little different so I was fine. I sat down in the chair and she asked me what I wanted done. I just wanted a little trim and then she said "Oh honey you should not have blond in your hair" (note the blond was where the pink is in the pictures) I really liked it but I thought "okay, maybe I should have a change. " I asked her if she had any dark purple because I had tried that before and liekd it. She said she had the prefect color and so she went to town. She painted on the front half of my head this mixture of color that I thought looked a little too red to be purple but, I am not the expert. So we washed the color out and she asked me abotu the cut. I said "I just want a little bit of a trim and my bangs fixed" She said "we need to cut off the bottom 4 inches because it looks like you have a mullet" (I didn't BTW) I thought we had an understanding and the next thing I know 4 inch gobs of hair were fallng to the ground all around me. She styled it into a helmet and turned me around and I was shocked. My hair was not purple it was hot pinkish red and I had helmet hair! I almost cried. she spun me around to show Wade and he was taken aback and said "waaahh" in awe. I said thank you and took off. Luckly we were going home that day and I went home and washed my hair and restyled it.I desided I liked the cut when it was stright and not a helmet and I would try out the hair for a little while because almost everyone said they liked it. A few days later I still didn't like it so Rachel dyed over the pink with black. in the entires below you can see the after pictures.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Broke nose, Mountian

Yesterday was a busy day. Wade and I woke up late and then cleaned and rearranged our living room and then got ready to go to the Elders quorum sledding activity up Big Cottonwood canyon. Dacon, Pat and Ann-Lisa Rich, Mike and RaNell Leftler, Brad and Jenny Hickman and Wade and I all went. We got up there around 3 pm and started off with some hot cocoa and doughnuts. I went down a few times on an intertube and started to feel a little sick because of some medication I am on. I took a break and then the girls all wanted to do a train. So the 4 of us got in our tubes and went down. I felt us going really fast and then we came to an abrupt stop. I felt my body continue forward and then snap! I hit RaNell's head. I leaned back and then looked down at my gloves and the snow around me was red. I thought "is that coming from me?" I put my hands around my nose and it didn't feel quiet right. Everyone around me said "I think you broke your nose." I moved the out of place thing back into place then took snow and packed it around my nose and crunched it back into what felt normal. Wade came running down the hill and took his neck warmer and moped up the blood. I was bleeding pretty bad so we decided to get me to the ER. I felt really calm and I really didn't feel any pain. I felt really weak and dizzy Jenny held on to me and Wade held my hand as we walked back to the truck. Wade ran and got the truck and Jenny and I sat by the entrance. I really didn't feel anything until the pressurekept changing as we went down the mountain. We got to the ER and got some ice on my nose. They got me in and took some x-rays. They said it looked like my nose was going to come out pretty straight and that it looked like I had already set it. Our Doctor was really great he let wade and I go see the x-rays and pointed out that the fracture was on my left side. As we were leaving we were checking out and the lady at check out was asking me all these questions about my work and personal history and stuff. She would ask me questions with just one or two words like "work place?" or "Address?". Anyway so she said something that sounded like "Holiday weight?" and I didn't know how to answer or how that would apply to my health history so I said "excuse me?" and so she repeated herself "Husband, Wade?" I laughed to myself..I wonder what was on my mind.. I just thought it was funny. Anyways so we got home and had a bunch of people over to watch "eagle eye" (not a really cool movie but alright) and then went to bed. Here are some pictures.

This was taken at the ER about an hour after it happened. I think the saddest part abut this picture is that I thought I was making a cute smiling face but I was far too swollen. Sad times.

About 8 at night so about 4.5 hours later

This was taken about 9:45 this morning. I think I may have a black nose and eyes soon. I think my nose will be a little crooked but it will be fine. Anyways got to go ice my nose, BYE!

3 years!

December 30th 2008 marked our 3 year anniversary. This year has been challenging but great. It is wonderful to know that we have eternity to figure things out. I love Wade very much. He is a uge strength to me. I am grateful that he has patience with me as I continue to learn and grow. This yeah we kind of extended the holiday . We took off the whole week and the day before our anniversary so I had to work from 8-9pm on our anniversary. Before work wade made me breakfast and after work we went to Macaroni Grill (thank you Grandma for the gift card ) and enjoyed some great food and desserts. Overall a great day!

Home for the holidays

These are some pictures from home. The first one is Mount Shasta. My sister Janee and her husband Jason live in Mt. Shasta CA. Wade and I went to stay with them for 2 days while we were home. They are wonderful and showed us such a great time. Janee runs a spa up there and set wade up with a massage and me a facial, pedicure and a massage. Thank you Janee!

What a beautiful day! These are taken from the Oakland temple. Two friends that I grew up with were sealed in the Oakland Temple on Dec 27th. Mom, Dad, Wade and I all went down to attend. It ws a beautiful day and you could see clear out to the bay.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Harry Potter

So.... Christmas was so much fun! Wade and I went back to Nor Cal to be with my family for Christmas. It is always weird growing up because traditions change and people come and go. Christmas the last few times for me have been a little strange because of the afore mention things. The last Christmas I had at home was before I got married (3 years ago) and I woke up Dad was at work and mom was in the kitchen. It was just me opening presents and coming from a family where there are 7 kids that was so not normal. This year was fun because Jon, Jenny and the kids came down for dinner Christmas eve dinner. YUM CORN CHOWDER!! I love the way my mom makes chowder... wade never likes mine as well as my moms... in fact he never likes anything I make better than when my mom makes it. Take garbage cookies I made them for him and he hated them.. mom made them this year and he couldn't get enough... Does she use some sort of additive? I use the exact same recipe. Oh well... back to Christmas Eve. Rachel and Mike were there, we made my Mom and Dad open presents and we opened presents and it felt like Christmas. I love being with family and that is really what make Christmas so special. Anyways So wade and I got the Harry Potter collection. I am not a reader but I am already on the 4th book (started on book two 1/29/08) I love it! The books are so much better then the movies. I know I know I am a late bloomer but I like them a lot so thank ya MOM! Gotta run more stories to come.