Yesterday was a busy day. Wade and I woke up late and then cleaned and rearranged our living room and then got ready to go to the Elders quorum sledding activity up Big Cottonwood canyon. Dacon, Pat and Ann-Lisa Rich, Mike and RaNell Leftler, Brad and Jenny Hickman and Wade and I all went. We got up there around 3 pm and started off with some hot cocoa and doughnuts. I went down a few times on an intertube and started to feel a little sick because of some medication I am on. I took a break and then the girls all wanted to do a train. So the 4 of us got in our tubes and went down. I felt us going really fast and then we came to an abrupt stop. I felt my body continue forward and then snap! I hit RaNell's head. I leaned back and then looked down at my gloves and the snow around me was red. I thought "is that coming from me?" I put my hands around my nose and it didn't feel quiet right. Everyone around me said "I think you broke your nose." I moved the out of place thing back into place then took snow and packed it around my nose and crunched it back into what felt normal. Wade came running down the hill and took his neck warmer and moped up the blood. I was bleeding pretty bad so we decided to get me to the ER. I felt really calm and I really didn't feel any pain. I felt really weak and dizzy Jenny held on to me and Wade held my hand as we walked back to the truck. Wade ran and got the truck and Jenny and I sat by the entrance. I really didn't feel anything until the pressurekept changing as we went down the mountain. We got to the ER and got some ice on my nose. They got me in and took some x-rays. They said it looked like my nose was going to come out pretty straight and that it looked like I had already set it. Our Doctor was really great he let wade and I go see the x-rays and pointed out that the fracture was on my left side. As we were leaving we were checking out and the lady at check out was asking me all these questions about my work and personal history and stuff. She would ask me questions with just one or two words like "work place?" or "Address?". Anyway so she said something that sounded like "Holiday weight?" and I didn't know how to answer or how that would apply to my health history so I said "excuse me?" and so she repeated herself "Husband, Wade?" I laughed to myself..I wonder what was on my mind.. I just thought it was funny. Anyways so we got home and had a bunch of people over to watch "eagle eye" (not a really cool movie but alright) and then went to bed. Here are some pictures.

This was taken at the ER about an hour after it happened. I think the saddest part abut this picture is that I thought I was making a cute smiling face but I was far too swollen. Sad times.

About 8 at night so about 4.5 hours later

This was taken about 9:45 this morning. I think I may have a black nose and eyes soon. I think my nose will be a little crooked but it will be fine. Anyways got to go ice my nose, BYE!