Above-Wade fishing away
Below- Our beautiful view

Mike on his self made raft

day 2 camping. Yeah not my finest moment- give me a break I was really sick

My cute sister

For the first time ever I went on a true backpacking trip! Rachel and Mike (my sister and her hubby) and Wade and I went up into the Uninta's and backpacked. We hiked to a really pretty lake spot and spent 2 nights camping. I was sick the entire time! I have been sick for the last 2 weeks. For the family reunion I had strep throat then it morphed into a nasty sinus infection/cold. It was miserable.. I have gone through 4 boxes of Puffs. We arrived Friday night and set up camp. We had noodles and s'mores for dinner and hit the sack. Saturday morning the boys made a great "sunrise breakfast" with potato flakes,bacon, powdered cheese and butter and some other spices... it was really good. The boys Fished all day while Rachel and I pumped water, read Harry potter and napped. Rachel and I began to pump the water and with every pump it would take in about 1/8 of a cup and only yield 3 drops. We pumped for a good 3 hours and only yielded about 2 liters of water. The boys were a little disappointed with how much water we pumped b/c they thought it was going to be a lot more. Later that day the boys went to go pump some more and they noticed it was only trickling water. They realized that the filter was full and that it needed to be cleaned. So yeah we would have had at least 4 times as much water if we would have known to clean the filter. Mike felt really bad for being disappointed in us. It was funny. Friday night we had a "backpackers feast" dinner it was kind of like a thanksgiving dinner that you just add water to. We left Sunday morning. As we arrived at the car we noticed a little yellow paper on our windshield. Apparently we had parked in a no parking zone for 2 days. 125 dollars and a few fine words from Wade later we were off back to SLC. Over all it was a great trip. Wade is still working on what he is going to write in a letter to send along with our $125 check.=)
Ha! Sounds like a lot of fun. After our little scare in the backyard, though, I really doubt I could get Erin to go on a campout. Maybe I can get called to scouts...
I am so jealous! How fun! I miss the mountains and camping! I'm sorry you were sick.
That picture of you camping... I want to blow it up and hang it in my room! Its awesome!
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